Sometimes life gets in the way of writing. It's hard not write, but a first…
On a 6:30 am 5 mile run, 39 degrees, headlamp in place, and bundled like a muffin, I tripped on some unknown giant ridge that popped out on flat, paved walkway along SF Bay in Sausalito. I flopped along for a bit trying to right myself and crashed to the ground on the side of my head, knees, elbows, legs. Blood ran down my face and elsewhere. I felt like an idiot. Pick up your feet, damn it. Thank goodness I was wearing a thick ski hat.
My running partner had to get back to drop her kids at school – school had finally started part-time with COVID. She ran back and I hobbled along, wiping dripping blood with tissues. But I reminded myself on the 2 mile walk back, nothing was broken, my phone worked, and I just needed to course correct. I was beat up for a week.
This reminds me of my writing. I’ll be writing along, submitting work, and then BAM, a huge fall, slammed back, down and bloody. Ya just got to get up, think about it, and hit the trail/computer again.
That’s what we do.