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Running & Writing – Writing is Harder

After a back injury related to running 2 marathons, I am blessed to be able to train with running friends and run one year later in the Alameda Half Marathon on this Sat. June 8th. I've done slow training to get to a few 14 mile runs. I've had to retrain my running style, use the PT exercises and more.…

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When there is writing synchronicity

Had to put my two finished manuscripts aside. Now working on the third about the Marsh World - Della Gets Dirty. Della is a 9 year old who hates dirt. But when two marsh animals make her acquaintance, she is drawn into the marsh world. She is faced with the horrible decision between her Dad filling in Frog Pond on…

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Getting Local, Familiar and Out of “Shy-Space”

Even though I have spoken nationwide and consulted with firms around the world, children's writing is a totally different animal. It has taken me awhile to absorb and take to heart the wonderful advice and experiences from other published writers. It's not that I don't believe them, nor didn't understand how to implement their good advice.  I think there was…

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